In the name of GOD

USA & Muslims,Boston marathon , Boston criminals


From : an Iranian muslim student of civil Engineering

To : all people around the world especially people of the United States of America

These days we hear in news about the criminal accident in Boston,USA that was tragic for everyone all over the world because we have family too ,love them like anyone in everywhere around the world and we don't like to lose them

It's a question for me why if a killer is muslim , news like to talk about his religion and introduce them a religious person , why don't they talk about the criminals who are jews and Christians .( I don't want to insult them , they are respectful for me and others

Can we think they want to tell people that Muslims are dangerous for human being and  Islam is a religion that teaches muslims to kill jews and christians . if not why news emphesize on their religion

I honestly say that everyone who honestly believes in God and follow his commands,not made by their thought , Condemns killing Innocent people all over the world.

At last

we don't call these men muslim we call them criminal

:) Thanks for reading

I wish u the best



